Telegram has announced that about 50 million new users have joined its social networking platform around the world, following a major outage that hit Facebook’s services on Monday.
“According to our estimates, over the past few hours, more than 50 million new users have been registered in Telegram,” Yuri Kegekin, director of the analysis department at TGStat, said in an interview with RT channel.
Yesterday’s jump comes at a time when the platforms “Facebook”, “WhatsApp” and “Instagram” for social networking faced a major malfunction, which resulted in the suspension of its work on a global scale for several hours.
“Facebook” shares fell by 5.5% after the disruption of the site services and the “Instagram” and “WhatsApp” platforms, as “Facebook” shares fell to the level of $ 323.56, after a loss of $ 19.5.
Forsided, 05.10.2021