Danteu: When women were real women – Not social media whores

Minds social network user Danteu shared an opinion about who should be considered a social media whore in the modern world.

Danteu published a post on alternative social network Minds, that says: “Back when women were real women and not social media whores“. He thinks that people are confusing the idea of the post so he explains his position better.

“If you do only fans and other stuff that’s cool and I don’t care. When I say social media whores I mean just that. They’re whoring for likes from strangers online. I don’t blame them for that either because there’s incentives for that. I just reminisce of days long gone when people weren’t connected globally and interaction was limited to small communities,” explains Danteu.

Minds user mentions that he was born too early to explore space but too late to have a “normal quiet life without 24/7 fear mongering news and witnessing the degradation of western society”. He points out that he has nothing against prostitutes and that he respects them and their craft.

In the end Danteu writes: “I love everyone and only want the best for society. I imagine in a few decades people will completely start to isolate away from the interconnected world and start their own versions of an “Amish” life without big brother constantly watching them. I can see the ownership of Faraday cages exploding in the coming years to stop the prying eye of big bother.”

Forsided, 02.02.2021

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